Monday, July 18, 2011

East County

these pictures are from what i believe to be some time last week or maybe it was the week before. anyways
when i got down to el cajon our buddy Retro had just finished bagging this 42 dodge
wewere just in time for a test drive. and the local cruise night was happinin just down the street.

old tires suck

i had a blow out on the way back from born free3 . things got interesting.
and my jack failed to jack up
Digger came to my rescue.
thanks buddy!
i was amazed the rim was left unscathed

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lifter's Show this weekend Sat. 16th SD

July 16th , this weekend come out and show some support.. Its always a good time.
See you SAT!!!

July 16th, 2011 at Barona Drag Stri